Our Family of Faith in Action
by Beth Shepperd
Sunday, November 4th is Stewardship Sunday when we are all encouraged to make a pledge to FPC for 2019. These pledges allow us to plan a budget, to support the programs and ministries of our church, and to fulfill an important part of our worship. We have spent the past few weeks meeting in small groups to learn more about stewardship and its role in our worship.
While this is the culmination of stewardship season, pledges are appreciated at any time and can be given during a church service, by mail, by dropping off your pledge card at the church office, or by giving online. The amount is not as important as the act of committing a portion of our blessings back to the Lord.
Stewardship is a part of worship, and the Bible addresses many aspects of this topic. We have the story of the widow whose gift of pennies was valued more than the gifts of the wealthy because it represented sacrifice. The parables teach us about being responsible with resources. A special verse about stewardship is Luke 6:38.
“From everyone who has been given much, much will be required; and to whom they entrusted much, of him they will ask more.”
As a Family of Faith in Action, we have been given much. We have a beautiful church home, members with amazing skills and talents, and many opportunities to improve the lives of our local and global neighbors. Pledging is our opportunity to give back to the Lord and to acknowledge our many personal and spiritual blessings.
When you make your pledge for next year, remember Luke 6:38. Pledging is an opportunity to express gratitude to God, to support the missions and ministries of FPC, and to incorporate stewardship into your worship. Thank you for prayerfully considering making a pledge to FPC for 2019.
Yours in Christ,
The Stewardship Committee
Kathy Babin
Charley Ainsworth
Fran Cooper
Julie Philley
Bob Skorkowsky
Beth Shepperd
Karen Novy