Fine Arts Garden Party 2016

The launch party for the 2016-2017 First Presbyterian Church Fine Arts series was recently held at the beautiful home and gardens of Lynn and John Heines. With entertainment provided by The Jazz Connection, the Heines' home provided a lovely backdrop to the unveiling of the 2016-17 Fine Arts @ First Presbyterian Church's brochure. Lee Kohlenberg, interim Director of Music and Organist-Choirmaster for FPC revealed the exciting plans for this year’s season of fine concerts.

Claudia Carroll, event coordinator, and Lee Kohlenberg, interim Director of Music and Organist-Choirmaster for FPC

Claudia Carroll, event coordinator, and Lee Kohlenberg, interim Director of Music and Organist-Choirmaster for FPC

Many thanks to Claudia Carroll, event coordinator and John and Lynn Heines for hosting this year's party. 

Guests gather in the lovely gardens of the Heines home.

Guests gather in the lovely gardens of the Heines home.

Copies of the 2016-2017 brochure are available at the church office. Mark your calendar and make plans to attend the many concerts scheduled.

Announcements of the 2016-17 fine arts season.

Announcements of the 2016-17 fine arts season.

The Jazz Connection provided entertainment to this festive event.

The Jazz Connection provided entertainment to this festive event.

Guests share laughter and conversation while enjoying the sounds from the Jazz Connection.

Guests share laughter and conversation while enjoying the sounds from the Jazz Connection.

Rebecca and Richard Ruediger

Rebecca and Richard Ruediger

Julie Philley-Lee and Nancy Wrenn

Julie Philley-Lee and Nancy Wrenn

Joan Curtis and Sylvia Adams

Joan Curtis and Sylvia Adams

Becky Western and Rev. Stuart Baskin, pastor at FPC 

Becky Western and Rev. Stuart Baskin, pastor at FPC 

Suzi Pundt and Sterling Hurking

Suzi Pundt and Sterling Hurking