An Angel Tree Project for All
By Neil McKown and Phyllis Kidwell
For the past several years our church has partnered with the Presbyterian Children’s Home and Services (PCHAS) and participated in the Angel Tree. This year, FPC will be participating in several different ways and you can help.
FPC youth will be taking one of the Angel Tree angels and will go shopping at their Youth Christmas Party. Throughout the month of November, FPC students are being challenged to give money to this collection. By giving up one extra expense (Starbucks, going out to eat, iTunes, etc.) the youth are asked to give that amount to their Angel Tree angel. And, whatever amount the youth group collects, Neil McKown, director of youth ministries, and the church will match. Will you accept the challenge?
Additionally, the church will have an Angel Tree so members can choose a child to assist with Christmas gifts. The angels will be available beginning Sunday, November 13 and remain available through the 27. The tree will be located in Fellowship Hall and can be picked up during coffee fellowship hour.
Each angel will have a list of gifts the child would enjoy. As a participant, you may purchase all of those items, or any items that fit your budget. You may also purchase a $5 or $10 Walmart gift card to give to a teen whose needs are not specified on a list. The gifts need to be marked with the child’s name, but not wrapped.
“Will you accept the challenge?”
Many opportunities for groups to participate - friends can participate together, Sunday school class can work together, or this shopping time can be used as a teaching moment for your child to better understand the needs of others.
The gifts can be returned to the church office, or on Sunday mornings to Phyllis Kidwell, director of children's ministries, so they will be on hand to deliver to the representative from PCHAS who attends worship at FPC on December 18.
The children in the PCHAS system are all ages and are removed from their families due to situations in which the children cannot live at home safely. Many children are in the custody of the state of Texas. Sharing the love of Jesus Christ in this small way, may be their introduction to a Christ-centered life. Plan to participate in this important program as you are able.