Our Cardboard City Was A Community Like No Other!
By Phyllis Kidwell, Director of Children's Ministries
VBS 2016 is behind us and what a wonderful time we had. We learned the greatest commandment that Jesus taught, which we use in worship here most weeks, to learn about loving the Lord, our God, and our neighbors as ourselves. We learned about sharing what we have with those in need here in our community and throughout the world. We learned about the healing that Jesus did when the four friends took their friend to be healed by Jesus. Jesus used their faith to heal their friend. We learned about worship, and the Holy Spirit. In the final program, the participants prayed, sang songs with instruments and reflected the joy of knowing Jesus. It was a treat to see those joy filled faces!
Story time during VBS keeps everyone engaged!
Our city was painted and decorated. We had vegetables in our garden and in our grocery store; animals in our park. We had a beautiful “stained glass” window in our church. The same design was used to make real stepping stones that are in place in our garden just beyond the pergola and picnic table. The stones make a path to the benches. Stop by and see them when you get a chance.
We had 40 children participants, age 3 through 5th grade, six youth assistants and more than 20 adults working to support our groups as they moved through the activities, shared dinner and snacks and created crafts. On Saturday, the cookout included about 100 people in fellowship as we enjoyed the excellent hamburgers and hot dogs prepared by the men of the church. Thanks sooks! Our final hours were spent outside, cooling off on the water slide and in the bounce house!
The children’s ministry team and staff gives a loud THANK YOU to all who made this VBS time successful in learning more about living in community with Jesus in our hearts!