Classical. Traditional. Beyond the ordinary.

The music that weaves through our worship services underscores God's majesty—his holiness—by lifting the congregation out of their everyday and evoking the worshipful nature of our encounter with God. Intentionally traditional, the musical offerings tangibly connect us with the universal church by drawing on the vast body of Christian liturgical music of the Western world, from Gregorian chants to twenty-first century compositions.

Led by the Chancel Choir and the largest pipe organ in East Texas, the musical variety ranges from the great anthems of the Reformation and choral masterworks to hymn-based anthems by modern composers and Gospel music. The congregation joins with the choir to sing hymns throughout the service, with a particular emphasis on the singing of psalms.

  • Choral Ensembles
  • Children's Choirs
  • Organ

Choral Ensembles

The Chancel Choir

The Chancel Choir is an adult choral ensemble comprised of talented volunteers, as well as choral scholars from the University of Texas at Tyler and Tyler Junior College. The choir prepares a wide repertoire drawn from nearly 900 years of the Western sacred music tradition, from Gregorian chants to modern compositions, with an emphasis on literature that enhances the liturgy of the Reformed tradition. This ensemble assists in leading worship at FPC most Sundays and rehearses on Wednesday evenings from 6:30–8:30 pm in the Music Suite through mid-June. Email Weston Jennings, Director of Music and Organist for more information.

Carillon Handbell Choir

The gifted adult handbell ensemble assists in leading Sunday worship approximately once a month at the 11 am worship service. This ensemble utilizes a five-octave set of Malmark handbells in addition to handchimes and other percussion instruments. Basic music reading ability is required for participation in this ensemble. The Carillon Choir rehearses on Tuesday evenings in the Music Suite from 5:30–7 pm. Email Weston Jennings, Director of Music and Organist for more information.

Children's Choirs

Carol Choir & Covenant Choir

The two children’s choirs meet on Sundays throughout the school year. Regular rehearsals are following the worship service from 11:10 - noon in the Children’s Suite. The Carol Choir is open to children ages 4 years - 1st grade and the Covenant Choir is open to children in grades 2-5. The choirs prepare anthems based on scripture and sing in worship six to seven times per year. Email Weston Jennings, Director of Music and Organist for more information.



FPC Tyler's sanctuary organ—the largest in all of East Texas—is a beautifully restored example of organ building in the Anglo-American style featuring beautiful clear flutes, warm diapasons, and a variety of reed color and tone, as well as a generous number of lush strings and celestes. The organ was built in 2000 by the Canadian firm Casavant Frères.

Following an accidental fire during renovations to the sanctuary in 2012 the organ suffered smoke damage and complete destruction of its console. In 2012 and 2013 the organ was completely cleaned, restored, and tonally refinished. In addition, a new state-of-the-art console was built and installed. This work was accomplished by R. A. Colby & Muller Pipe Organ Co. with technical components by Walker Technical Co.

Get Involved

The Music Ministries at FPC Tyler welcome musicians of all skill levels and backgrounds to join us in glorifying Almighty God. The only prerequisites are a basic level of musicianship and a commitment to use your talent in an act of stewardship and thanksgiving to God. Contact Weston Jennings, Director of Music and Organist (903-597-6317), if you are interested in becoming involved.