The Session has called a meeting of the congregation to hear and act on a recommendation to sell a portion of the church's property fronting on Broadway Avenue to the Medicine Chest Pharmacy headquarters, located in the Fitzgerald House.
A Proposal to sell a portion of church property
The shaded portion above is the approximate location and size of the property to be sold.
Frequently Asked Questions
Recently, the Medicine Chest Pharmacy, which has its headquarters in the Fitzgerald House next door to the church, has offered to purchase a 0.19 acre portion of church property. The piece of property they would like to purchase is immediately south of the Fitzgerald House. On Sunday, May 7, 2017, the congregation will be asked to approve this sale. In our Presbyterian system, only the congregation can ultimately decide whether to buy, sell, mortgage, or lease property. Below is a set of questions and answers to help congregants determine whether or not to approve this sale.
Q: Where is the property in question?
A: The property is the northern end of the vacant lot east of our parking lot and behind the scout hut. Please see the map above. You are also encouraged to look at the property yourself. The approximate portion to be sold is marked with orange flags.
Q: How much will the church receive for the property?
A: The church will receive $75,000 for the property.
Q: Is this a fair price?
A: We think so. The price amounts to $9.14 per square foot. The entire tract of which this is a part was recently appraised at $6.16 per square foot. Other commercial properties in the area that are currently listed for sale range from a low of $0.51 per square foot (a 543 acre plot at the corner of Earl Campbell Parkway and West Loop 323) to a high of $5.74 per square foot (a plot of land behind Citizens State Bank at SSW Loop323 and Frankston Highway).
Q: What will we do with the money from the sale?
A: The session has determined that the money will be used to reduce our debt from our capital improvement project.
Q: If we sell the property, could we ever get it back?
A: While there is no guarantee we could ever purchase it back, we have included a “right of first refusal” to repurchase the property if it ever comes up for sale.