Join us for cake and punch and to say farewell to Neil and Erin. Neil, who has been our Director of Student Ministries, has accepted the call to become Director of Student Ministries at Shepherd of the Hills Presbyterian Church in Austin and will be leaving that week to assume his duties there.
Come help us thank Neil for his years of service with us!
If you would like to donate to a "love offering" as a farewell gift to Erin & Neil (cash, checks or gift cards, please do not send any gifts through the FPC financial office), there will be a container available at the reception. Your cards may also be placed in this container.
“Parents, Students, and Sponsors,
There was an announcement made at Youth Sunday School and during the 11:00am service this morning. I wanted to be sure that everyone was made aware of this.
I have accepted a new call to a Presbyterian Church in Austin, TX. My last official day is Sunday, February 4 (Souper Bowl of Caring Sunday).
We will continue with all of our scheduled events and activities. As always if any changes are made we will let you know as soon as possible.
I have truly enjoyed working with and alongside you over these past 8 and a half years. You are all an extension of my family and I hope that we can keep in touch.
If you have any questions or if there’s anything I can help you with over these next few weeks please let me know.”