We are gearing up for an amazing ETYC 2019! Come join us as we restore and refresh in our “Kick Back with Jesus.” Our workshop leaders are the Rev. Sarah Renfro and the Rev. Kyle Brown. Kyle is the Minister of Outreach at Geist Christian Church in Fishers, Indiana, and Sarah is the Area Director for Pension Fund of the Christian Church and manager of M-bodied Ministries.
The Rev. Sarah Renfro and The Rev. Kyle Brown
Registration (by August 25): $140/participant
Late registration (after August 25): $150/participant
Registration Packets:
Conduct and Liability Form
Student Form
Adult Form
Volunteer Form
Camp Gilmont Release Form
Questions? Contact Jennifer Marshall, associate pastor for student ministries (903-597-6317).
Meet Our Workshop Leaders
The Rev. Kyle Brown
Rev. Kyle Brown is a love-filled pastor, who embraces a gospel of contemplation, inclusivity, and mission-led activism. Kyle is born and bred Kentucky fan, but chose to take his talents to Lynchburg College, where he received a B.A. in Political Science and Secondary Education. He then attended Lexington Theological Seminary and was ordained in 2005. Since ordination, Kyle has been involved in various church ministries, with his passion always centering around creating diverse and engaging youth ministries where teenagers and youth workers grow together in their relationship with God, themselves, and each other.
Today, Rev. Brown is married to Rev. Sarah Renfro, dad of eight-year-old Miriam, and an Associate Pastor of Youth, Mission, and Connection at Geist Christian Church in Indianapolis, Indiana. In his current ministry setting, he is responsible for creating and implementing a youth worship service, planning retreats and weekly youth activities, and organizing multiple mission trips throughout the summer. His main goal in ministry is to help youth discover and cultivate their faith so that they might experience God, love others, and serve the world.
Connect with him on Facebook at facebook.com/khbrofro or Instagram at khbrofro.
The Rev. Sarah Renfro
Rev. Sarah Renfro modeled professionally around the world for seven years. After struggling with body image issues, disordered eating, and depression, she retired and returned to graduate from the University of Kentucky. She then attended Lexington Theological Seminary and was ordained in 2010. She served at First Christian Church of Frankfort, Kentucky as Associate Minister, Monterey Christian Church as solo pastor, and Geist Christian Church in Fishers, Indiana.
Today, Rev. Renfro is married to Rev. Kyle Brown, mom of eight-year-old Miriam, and an Area Director at Pension Fund of the Christian Church. Sarah is privileged to share her unique experiences of fashion and faith, modeling and ministry with youth, women’s groups, and denominational gatherings across the country. Most recently, she presented at Culver-Stockton College in Canton, Missouri and at Wild Goose Festival in Hot Springs, North Carolina. She has shared her message in KY, IN, IL, MO, NC, GA, MS, and CA. In her workshops and retreats, Sarah attempts to expose the myth of media’s “ideal beauty” standard, while empowering all to embrace the reflection of the Divine within.
Check out her website m-bodied.com, Facebook.com/revrenfro, and @revrenfro on Twitter.